Acrylics tanks are most prone to scratching.
A lot of care must be given to maintain a healthy, thriving tank. Some systems require more work than others. By partnering with a professional aquarium service company, you wont have to worry about maintenence.
This depends on which type of ecosystem you choose. Expert selection and cohabitation is provided by a professional service company. The growth of each breed of fish must also be considered in relation to the tank size.
Maintaining a saltwater aquarium requires the same discipline as any other tank. It is a misconception that a saltwater aquarium requires significantly more work.
Good news. Tanks are not prone to leaking at all.
The main reason for replacing water in your aquarium is to keep nitrates, ammonia and nitrites and healthy levels. Nitrates form from uneaten fish food and waste produced by the inhabitants of the tank. Professional maintenance services will take care of all of this for you.
Fish actually DO sleep so it is important to give them a dimly lit environment during overnight hours. Tanks with plants should get about 8-10 hours of light per day and be kept out of direct sunlight to decrease the growth of algae.